Welcome to MusicPortals.us and music created by Tom and Diane.
We enjoy flowing by the spirit in prophetic music. Our journey together started with home gatherings and is growing to include online ascensions, conferences, and local gatherings.
We are just getting started with our website and recording our music, so we hope you’ll come back later to discover all our new additions. If you have any preferences, please visit our contact page and let us know what you think.
Tom Rice is a gifted musician and has been participating in different music genres since junior high school. He played trombone professionally in a jazz band, any many other instructions in churches, harp and bowl sets, conferences, and other events, including organ keyboards, electric bass, hand drums, electric guitar, Indian flute, harmonica, and shofar. He has also sung in choirs other events.
Diane Holladay Rice sang in school, on worship teams, and other events. She plays the harp, keyboards, crystal bowls, Djembe drums, Indian flute, and shofar. Following a void from songs with words, Diane is now branching out into meditative music and her own songs, including messages from the Lord and declarative songs for realigning our mindsets.